Winchester College

Learn about Winchester College a world famous independent boarding school in Hampshire, UK, and its relationship with CATALYST.

About Winchester College

In Winchester, UK, stands Winchester College, a leading independent boarding school with over six centuries of history. This school is known for its strong academic tradition and a unique teaching approach that goes beyond standard curricula.

Central to this approach is 'Div', an interdisciplinary course unique to Winchester College. 'Div' is more than just a class; it's a way of learning that values discussion, critical thinking, and learning for its own sake. Students from all backgrounds come together in 'Div', guided by teachers from various departments. They explore a wide range of subjects, from history and literature to science and art, encouraging them to think broadly and question deeply.

In Winchester College, 'Div' is a daily experience, making it a significant part of the students' learning journey. It's this innovative and liberal approach to education that inspired the CATALYST programmes.

CATALYST, rooted in the principles of 'Div', offers a broad, interdisciplinary education. It's designed by experienced educators, including those from Winchester College, to prepare students not just academically, but also to think differently and adapt to a rapidly changing world.

Thus, CATALYST embodies the ethos of Winchester College: a blend of traditional values and modern thinking, preparing students to meet the demands and challenges of today's world.