be-a-bee: the naturalist - championing a revival of our natural world

Horizons change project

In an era dominated by digital interactions, the intrinsic beauty of our natural environment often fades into the background. But not for "The Naturalist", an environmental initiative meticulously crafted to weave nature's tales into the fabric of our online narratives.

The essence of a naturalist lies in both guardianship and education. This initiative amplifies this dual role, not just as a steward of specific wilderness areas, but also as a beacon of knowledge in the vast digital realm. With a vision of a verdant, sustainable future, "The Naturalist" aims to craft a world where biological diversity thrives and where every individual understands and champions the importance of conservation.

Leveraging the ubiquity and reach of social media, the initiative has established a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This digital prowess is reflected in the staggering growth of its online community, boasting +3,500 followers and counting. Through +30 thoughtfully curated posts, "The Naturalist" addresses a plethora of ecological concepts, debunks prevailing myths, and fervently promotes conservation.

Guided by the core values of environmentalism, sustainability, empowerment, inclusion, and raising awareness, this initiative isn't just sharing content—it's building a movement.

If your digital scroll feels monotonous, pepper it with insights from the natural world. Dive into "The Naturalist" on your preferred social media platform and be part of a community that's not just scrolling, but also growing in environmental consciousness.

Bee The Naturalist Change Project image

The impact of plastic on the biodiversity of our oceans


The global loss of biodiversity