CATALYST and The Decision Lab: A Partnership for the Digital Age

CATALYST by Winchester College has recently partnered with The Decision Lab (TDL) with a clear goal: to devise effective digital assessment tools centered on skills-based evaluation for CATALYST programmes.

Redefining Education in the Digital Landscape

The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with advances in generative AI, has highlighted the need for modernized learning assessment tools. Recognizing this, TDL and CATALYST are working together to adapt and enhance skills-based learning assessments for our digital world.

Today’s digital learning platforms go beyond simple online lectures. They are delving into the creation of virtual worlds, offering learners a rich, immersive experience. This shift provides new avenues for online teaching and learning, expanding beyond the capabilities of traditional classroom settings.


CATALYST is a leading global virtual programme provider, dedicated to nurturing essential skills among the youth. Through this partnership, there's a concerted effort to create a toolkit that aptly measures skill development, harnessing the capabilities of current digital platforms.

Exploring New Educational Avenues: The swift pace of societal change underscores the need for evolving teaching methodologies. This collaboration is a testament to ensuring that educational strategies remain relevant and forward-facing.

Adapting to Educational Shifts: The transformative impact of COVID-19 redefined the educational paradigm. This transition illuminated the inherent potential of technology in augmenting learning and assessment processes.

Valuing Remote Learning: The prominence of remote learning has risen as a competent alternative to conventional classrooms. With the advent of virtual platforms, educators can now approach teaching and data in more innovative ways.

Preparing Future Leaders: Emphasizing contemporary learning strategies grounded in data and behavioural insights ensures that the upcoming generation is adequately prepared for future challenges.

The partnership between CATALYST by Winchester College and The Decision Lab signals a commitment to enhance the quality of online education and skills-based assessment. The path ahead is poised to bring innovation and progress to the educational arena.


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